Summary of Epigenetic Anti Aging Strategies

 Lifespan Extension: Proven Methods

So far, the most strongly proven methods for increasing lifespan are exercise, intermittent fasting, sauna use, and cold showers.

By consistently following these four practices and maintaining a proper diet, there is no need to take separate anti-aging activator substances.

Just one thing: you need to keep your NAD+ levels high.

To summarize:

  1. Exercise, intermittent fasting, hot & cold exposure, and spicy foods -> Activate switches that repair or delay epigenetic aging. Mimicking substances: Various phytochemicals, Metformin.

  2. The important thing is the diet. It's not enough just to activate the switches. If you allow your blood sugar to peak, it can lead to fatty liver, inflammation, depression, and deactivate the switches. Excessive protein intake, like carbohydrates, has been shown to actually decrease lifespan. Mimicking substances: Metformin and other medications.

  3. All of these processes depend on NAD+.

By following steps 1 and 2, you can activate and maintain epigenetic anti-aging switches. This not only involves DNA repair but also results in actual delays and reversals in aging. The common factor in all these states is that they are NAD+ dependent. NAD+ is essentially the fuel used for repairing your DNA, suppressing cancer, and practically every process that turns back the biological aging clock.

Even if you activate switches through steps 1 and 2, it's akin to a car not moving if it lacks fuel.

Therefore, you must supplement with one of B3, NR, or NMN. (Niacin is not suitable due to confirmed limited partial level increases.)

During a serious conversation with a media outlet, Sing Clare said:

"NAD+ is second only to ATP in importance."

In simpler terms for liberal arts, ATP can be seen as the energy itself in our bodies. Life and death depend on ATP, and following that, NAD+ is crucial. (When ATP is in progress, you are alive, and when it is not, it is called death.)

4. Even if you perform all of the above, something strongly inhibits reverse aging.

NAM: Even if you do all of the above, if there is too much NAM in the body, NAD+ levels cannot increase under any circumstances.

Therefore, taking nicotinamide can potentially accelerate aging. It inhibits the expression of the Sirt1 gene.

Furthermore, even if not separately ingested, our body also has NAM, which not only suppresses the expression of the Sirt1 gene but also forcibly restricts the increase in NAD+ levels. Therefore, the process of bypassing this is called "methylation." (Medications: TMG, B12 methylcobalamin, etc.)

Excessive antioxidants: Antioxidants over 500mg not only block NAD+ dependent epigenetic reverse aging but also fundamentally prevent self-maintenance mechanisms of mitochondria that are not NAD+ dependent.

In addition, blocking NRF2 also prevents strong antioxidant protection mechanisms paradoxically due to antioxidants, resulting in no effective action.

From the perspective of epigenetic metabolism, this is a strong reason not to consume many antioxidants. It can eliminate actual antioxidant mechanisms, deceive cells into thinking it's okay for them to be damaged, and prevent the necessary ROS for killing cancer cells, aging cells, and dissolving aged bones. (Confirmed by meta-analysis to increase mortality rates.)

Moreover, it naturally prevents DNA repair genes from working. It's a vicious cycle.

Simplifying this:

  1. Turn on genes (NAD+ dependent / independent epigenetic mechanisms)
  2. Adjust diet to maintain it (limit blood sugar peak curves)
  3. Provide fuel for it (B3)
  4. Remove factors that interfere when fully operational (NAM, high-dose vitamin C, etc.)
  5. Maintain this state consistently.

In a natural perspective, this can be likened to:

"It mimics the effect of a teenager or someone in their twenties exercising daily."

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