과민성 대장 증후군 치료법 Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Treatments 6. 꼭 먹어야 하는 것

1. 물

과민성 대장 증후군인 사람들은 특히 식사할 때마다 소화장애가 생겨 체하는 느낌이 많이 발생하는데 소화 과정에서 많은 에너지를 장기가 사용하므로 그 부위로 혈액이 몰리게 된다. 따라서 상하불균형이 식사 때마다 발생하게 되는 것이다. 그래서 장기에 집중된 혈액 외로 다른 수분을 외부에서 공급해줘야 하는데 그것은 물을 섭취함으로써 해결가능하다. 

식사 때마다 충분한 물을 섭취
하는 것을 추천하고, 그 외에도 지속적으로 물을 마셔야한다. 하루에 물을 1.5L~2.5L를 마시자. 못 마시는 것을 억지로 마시지 말고 자연스럽게 적응한다. 물을 섭취하고 치료법에 나오는 운동을 한다면 식사 때마다 생기는 증상이 호전될 것이다.

2. 가수분해유청단백질(WPH)

단백질 보충제 중 가수분해유청단백질을 먹어야 하는 이유는, 일반 단백질 보충제를 먹었을 때 유당불내증에 의해 가스가 더욱 많이 생성될 수 있기 때문이다. 

이 치료법은 혈관의 배열을 다시 함으로써 몸을 정상화하는 방법을 사용하기 때문에 그 재료로 단백질이 필수적이다. 그러므로 단백질을 섭취하라는 것이지만 식사로 전부 얻을 수 있다면 굳이 단백질 보충제로 섭취할 필요는 없다. 그러나 단백질 보충제 없이 식사로 단백질 필요량을 채울 수 있는 사람은 드물 것이다. 하루에 '25g을 물에 타 마신다. 하루에 1~2번 먹으면 된다.

입이 안벌어질 때 치료방법. 턱관절 장애, 통증, 뼈소리 Jaw Joint Disorder. Pain, Popping Sounds, and Treatment Tips

입이 안벌어질 때 억지로 입을 열면 턱관절에서 갑자기 뼈소리가 나면서 뭔가 부서진 느낌이 나게되고 턱관절에서 통증이 발생하거나 더 심하면 안벌어지게 된다. 보통 이러한 증상은 잠잘 때 자세가 이상했을 때, 턱을 괴고 앉아있을 때, 마스크를 계속 끼고 있을 때 등 여러 원인에서 발생하게 되는 증상이다. 따라서 더욱 악화된 상황이 발생되기 전에 입이 안벌어지면 아래와 같은 동작을 해서 입이 벌어질 수 있도록 한다.  턱관절에서 뼈소리가 나고 통증이 있을 때에는 뼈소리와 통증이 없을 때까지 기다린 후 아래와 같은 동작을 반복하면 입이 벌어지게 될 것이다.

  • 두손을 기도하듯 모아서 손가락을 겹쳐 깍지를 끼고 엄지손가락만 들어올린다.
  • 두개의 엄지손가락의 지문이 있는 면으로 턱아래를 받친다. 
  • 엄지손가락으로 턱아래를 눌러 버티면서 힘들게 입을 연다.
  • 엄지손가락으로 턱아래를 눌러 버티면서 힘들게 입을 닫는다.
  • 이 과정에서 반드시 숨을 쉰다.

위의 방법은 턱관절의 혈액순환을 촉진하여 턱관절을 활성화시키는 동작이다. 동작을 너무 빠르고 강하게 하면 턱관절이 부서질 수 있으므로 천천히 조심스럽게 시도한다. 몇 번 하다보면 입이 벌어지기 시작할 것이다. 조금만 해도 입이 벌어지는 사람이 있고 몇 일간 동작을 반복하다 보면 되는 사람도 있다. 

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 더쿠, 트위터, 다음카페 분들...

Summary of Epigenetic Anti Aging Strategies

 Lifespan Extension: Proven Methods

So far, the most strongly proven methods for increasing lifespan are exercise, intermittent fasting, sauna use, and cold showers.

By consistently following these four practices and maintaining a proper diet, there is no need to take separate anti-aging activator substances.

Just one thing: you need to keep your NAD+ levels high.

To summarize:

  1. Exercise, intermittent fasting, hot & cold exposure, and spicy foods -> Activate switches that repair or delay epigenetic aging. Mimicking substances: Various phytochemicals, Metformin.

  2. The important thing is the diet. It's not enough just to activate the switches. If you allow your blood sugar to peak, it can lead to fatty liver, inflammation, depression, and deactivate the switches. Excessive protein intake, like carbohydrates, has been shown to actually decrease lifespan. Mimicking substances: Metformin and other medications.

  3. All of these processes depend on NAD+.

By following steps 1 and 2, you can activate and maintain epigenetic anti-aging switches. This not only involves DNA repair but also results in actual delays and reversals in aging. The common factor in all these states is that they are NAD+ dependent. NAD+ is essentially the fuel used for repairing your DNA, suppressing cancer, and practically every process that turns back the biological aging clock.

Even if you activate switches through steps 1 and 2, it's akin to a car not moving if it lacks fuel.

Therefore, you must supplement with one of B3, NR, or NMN. (Niacin is not suitable due to confirmed limited partial level increases.)

During a serious conversation with a media outlet, Sing Clare said:

"NAD+ is second only to ATP in importance."

In simpler terms for liberal arts, ATP can be seen as the energy itself in our bodies. Life and death depend on ATP, and following that, NAD+ is crucial. (When ATP is in progress, you are alive, and when it is not, it is called death.)

4. Even if you perform all of the above, something strongly inhibits reverse aging.

NAM: Even if you do all of the above, if there is too much NAM in the body, NAD+ levels cannot increase under any circumstances.

Therefore, taking nicotinamide can potentially accelerate aging. It inhibits the expression of the Sirt1 gene.

Furthermore, even if not separately ingested, our body also has NAM, which not only suppresses the expression of the Sirt1 gene but also forcibly restricts the increase in NAD+ levels. Therefore, the process of bypassing this is called "methylation." (Medications: TMG, B12 methylcobalamin, etc.)

Excessive antioxidants: Antioxidants over 500mg not only block NAD+ dependent epigenetic reverse aging but also fundamentally prevent self-maintenance mechanisms of mitochondria that are not NAD+ dependent.

In addition, blocking NRF2 also prevents strong antioxidant protection mechanisms paradoxically due to antioxidants, resulting in no effective action.

From the perspective of epigenetic metabolism, this is a strong reason not to consume many antioxidants. It can eliminate actual antioxidant mechanisms, deceive cells into thinking it's okay for them to be damaged, and prevent the necessary ROS for killing cancer cells, aging cells, and dissolving aged bones. (Confirmed by meta-analysis to increase mortality rates.)

Moreover, it naturally prevents DNA repair genes from working. It's a vicious cycle.

Simplifying this:

  1. Turn on genes (NAD+ dependent / independent epigenetic mechanisms)
  2. Adjust diet to maintain it (limit blood sugar peak curves)
  3. Provide fuel for it (B3)
  4. Remove factors that interfere when fully operational (NAM, high-dose vitamin C, etc.)
  5. Maintain this state consistently.

In a natural perspective, this can be likened to:

"It mimics the effect of a teenager or someone in their twenties exercising daily."

8 Changes You'll Notice If You Eat a Spoonful of Turmeric Every Day

All About Turmeric

Turmeric, also known as curcumin, is a perennial herb native to India, thriving in tropical regions and southern parts of China. It is closely related to a plant called "ulgeum" (wild turmeric), which is used medicinally. The main difference is that turmeric comes from the plant's rhizome (rootstalk), while ulgeum comes from the root. Turmeric has a stronger, spicier flavor and a deeper orange color compared to ulgeum.

Turmeric is used worldwide for various purposes, including dyeing, adding spice to food, and for its aromatic qualities.

Historically, ulgeum was produced as a local specialty in various regions of Korea during the early Joseon Dynasty and used as a spice. Today, Jeonnam Jindo-gun accounts for 70% of the country's ulgeum cultivation, with significant production also occurring in Seogwipo, Jeju Island, and the southern coastal areas. There are about 50 known varieties of ulgeum.

Health Benefits of Turmeric

Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, has been used since ancient times as a spice and as a traditional remedy for inflammation and skin conditions. Recent studies have highlighted its potential benefits in preventing atherosclerosis, reducing inflammation, and fighting cancer. Additionally, curcumin may help regulate stomach acid, which is good for stomach health, and it can aid in preventing cardiovascular diseases, dementia, and lowering cholesterol levels.

How to Consume Turmeric

Turmeric is the main ingredient in curry, known for its spicy and bitter taste. Since curcumin is not easily absorbed by the body, consuming it with dairy products like milk or yogurt can improve its absorption. For a smoother and healthier curry, adding milk to the recipe can be beneficial. Another way to boost curcumin absorption is by pairing turmeric with black pepper, as piperine in black pepper enhances curcumin absorption.

Common Confusion: Turmeric vs. Ulgeum

Many people confuse turmeric with ulgeum. The main difference is that turmeric is usually imported, while ulgeum is domestically produced in Korea. Both contain curcumin, which offers various health benefits like reducing cholesterol, preventing dementia, supporting vascular health, alleviating hangovers, preventing obesity, regulating menstrual irregularities, and detoxifying the liver. Turmeric also contains significant amounts of protein kinase, which helps insulin function properly in the body.

Benefits of Turmeric

  1. Anti-inflammatory: The bright yellow color of turmeric comes from curcumin, which is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. It can help reduce muscle pain, arthritis, and bruises, and alleviate pain.

  2. Dementia Prevention: Curcumin helps prevent cognitive decline and brain aging by activating brain cells and preventing the accumulation of beta-amyloid, a cause of Alzheimer's disease. It also protects cells from oxidation.

  3. Blood Sugar Control: Turmeric can help prevent diabetes and delay its onset. Studies have shown that curcumin supplements can delay the progression of diabetes in its early stages.

  4. Improved Blood Circulation: Curcumin helps eliminate bad cholesterol and promotes healthy blood circulation, which is beneficial for preventing cardiovascular diseases like hyperlipidemia.

  5. Anti-Cancer: Curcumin inhibits the growth and spread of cancer cells, aiding in cancer prevention and slowing its progression.

  6. Relief from Indigestion: Curcumin stimulates bile production, essential for digesting fats, which can alleviate digestive issues and treat conditions like gastritis and acid reflux.

  7. Skin Health: Turmeric helps reduce skin inflammation and has antioxidant properties that can delay skin aging, making it beneficial for skin health.

  8. Menstrual Health: Turmeric can help alleviate menstrual irregularities, menstrual pain, and amenorrhea (absence of menstruation), making it particularly beneficial for women's health.

How to Use Turmeric

You can consume turmeric by drying it and using it as a powder, or by taking it in pill form. Turmeric powder can be used as a spice in various dishes. However, it's important not to consume too much—one spoonful a day is sufficient.

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